- Our offers and wants (30 mins)
- One sheet of paper each. Make a big list. Think for each other. We can do more than we think!
- Relations with the village (15 mins) Take previous list and ask: What can we offer the local people and the world? What do we need?
- trading floor game (90 mins) WHILE Stewart put all the offers and wants into his SAM software and produce a printed directory
- Look at new offers and wants directory. Write some cheques for imaginary transactions, enter them in SAM and browse.
- How does money flow through Skala & members
Map collective and individual economic inputs and outputs - Core business ideas.
ASK everyone what kind of work creates flow, is effortless for them
Discuss - where are the harmonics in the group
Enquire: what is the economic situation now - how could it be developed?
- Land Ownership & commitment
- ASK everyone to plot on 4 axes: how much of them is in skala: heart, relationships, capital, income.
- Enquire: What do other ecovillages do about ownership, commitment, participation in governance, and helping to shape the vision.
- ASK everyone what would encourage them them to move towards the 'full' commitment which Anna and Nikiforos think is necessary
- Discuss: Is it possible and helpful to make full commitment (on those 4 axes) but for review after a time period, such as 5 years?
- ASK everyone what they would like to discuss next.